Daily means, monthly means and extremes for tides

A sample of the format used to present tidal daily means, monthly means and extremes.

Data Format

Digital daily means, monthly means and monthly instantaneous extremes data are available in standard 80-character length record format. Any missing data are represented by 9s.


-    65 1919 7      SAINT JOHN                  N B         4516 6603      AST  
5    65 1919 7 110        424  436  446  454  448  443  436  429  424  428      
5    65 1919 71120        434  426  418  417  416  420  419  426  429  436      
5    65 1919 72131  4310  436  442  434  431  426  420  418  431  436  436  438 
6    65 1919 7     9999999999999999999999                                       
----            -----------
1               1 character field, data code, minus sign
2               blank
3-7             5-digit integer, right-justified, unique station 
                identification number
8               blank
9-12            4-digit integer, year
13-14           2-digit integer, month
15-20           blank
21-52           32 character field, station identification name
53-59           blank
60              1-digit integer, code - 1 elevation in 1/100 feet
                                        2 elevation in centimeters
61-64           4-digit integer, latitute in degrees and minutes
65-69           5-digit integer, longitude in degrees and minutes
70              blank
71-75           bench mark elevation
76-78           3 character field, time zone
79              datum code
----            -----------
1               1 character field, card code, 5 or N
2               blank
3-7             5-digit integer, right-justified, unique station 
                identification number
8               blank
9-12            4-digit integer, year
13-14           2-digit integer, month
15-16           2-digit integer, day of first record on the line
17-18           2-digit integer, day of last record on the line
19-24           6-digit integer, monthly mean (on third dm data line only) 
                in millimeters
25-29           5-digit integer, daily mean for 1st, 11th or 21st day in 
                centimeters unless indicated by card code 1 in position 60
                of header record
30-34           5-digit integer, daily mean 
----            -----------
1               1-digit integer, card code 6
2               blank
3-7             5-digit integer, right-justified, unique station 
                identification number
8               blank
9-12            4-digit integer, year
13-14           2-digit integer, month
15-19           blank
20-21           2-digit integer, day of instantaneous high
22-25           4-digit integer, time in HHMM of instantaneous high
26-30           5-digit integer, elevation in centimeters of high
31-32           2-digit integer, day of instantaneous low
33-36           4-digit integer, time in HHMM of instantaneous low
37-41           5-digit integer, elevation in centimeters of low