Benchmark - 87F9095
Benchmark Number | 87F9095 |
Established In | 1987 |
Condition | GOOD |
Latitude | 49.246 |
Longitude | -55.054 |
Reference Benchmark | Yes |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | HORIZONTAL |
Description | Set horizontally in the most S'ly corner of the foundation of Dalfen's Clothing Store. The building is situated between the Lewisport Post Office and an Irving gas station. It is located 0.6 m in an E direction along the back of the building from the corner; 0.5m above ground level; and 14.5m in a N'ly direction from the HWL. (Dalfen's Clothing store no longer exists.) |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
1984-01-01 | 3.795 | HISTORICAL | CD |
2003-08-04 | 3.795 | ACTIVE | CD |
1989-01-01 | 3.395 | HISTORICAL | CD |