Benchmark - MIC1-1984
Benchmark Number | MIC1-1984 |
Established In | 1984 |
Condition | GOOD |
Latitude | 46.876667 |
Longitude | -70.908333 |
Reference Benchmark | No |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | HORIZONTAL |
Description | CHS zinc tablet stamped MIC 1-1984, set vertically in a concrete platform of the house at 97 Principale Street. It is about 100 m southwest of the church. The BM is located 1.70 m from the façade of the house, 1.78 m perpendicular to the street and 0.87 m from the southeast corner of the concrete steps. |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
2001-10-18 | 10.516 | ACTIVE | CD |