Benchmark - 4-1951 HS est

Benchmark Number 4-1951 HS est
Established In 1951
Condition GOOD
Latitude 63.479263
Longitude -68.024337
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A standard Hydrographic Service bronze tablet stamped HS 4, cemented in bedrock on a projecting ledge on the eastern side of Hancock Harbour, 305 m from eastern end and 30 m inshore from high water mark.

Coordinates edited November 2018 based on site sketch from 2013. Previously 63.479167, -68.024278. Updated 2013 BM elevation based on WL transfer form on 2019-01-22.

Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1951-01-01 12.59 HISTORICAL CD
2014-02-01 13.224 ACTIVE CD