Benchmark - 4-1963 HS est

Benchmark Number 4-1963 HS est
Established In 1963
Latitude 63.727639
Longitude -68.527528
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A Canadian Hydrographic Service bronze tablet stamped 4-1963, set vertically in bedrock on W shore of Koojesse Inlet. It is located on the S side of the causeway, 12 m S of the causeway road and 27 m E from a conspicuous pole which houses a red siren. HS4-1963 TABLET REPLACED BY A WATER SURVEY OF CANADA TABLET STAMPED FB2-1969 BUT LOOKS MORE LIKE FP2-1969 ELEV. 10.302 METRES. (1972) Positioned with hand-held GPS in 2013. Top of BM banged up a little, cannot read markings anymore. Updated 2014 BM elevations based on WL transfer form on 2019-01-23.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2014-02-01 10.698 ACTIVE CD
1963-01-01 10.303 HISTORICAL CD