Benchmark - Hakai BM 1801

Benchmark Number Hakai BM 1801
Established In N/A
Condition GOOD
Latitude 51.654504
Longitude -128.129455
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Setting NA
Description On Calvert Island, on the West side of Pruth Bay, benchmark can be found in a concrete pile. Pile is dug in sand between two large logs next to septic field, solar panel farm. 35 paces East of boat shed door. In Calvert Island, on the West side of Pruth Bay, on the southwest corner of concrete pad with "wheeled fire extinguisher" that has a yellow cover. 14 paces East of Tula center building
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2018-05-31 6.773 ACTIVE CD