Benchmark - M14C9099
Benchmark Number | M14C9099 |
Established In | 2014 |
Condition | GOOD |
Latitude | 52.76553 |
Longitude | -132.04479 |
Reference Benchmark | No |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | HORIZONTAL |
Description | In Tasu Sound at Hunger Harbour, set into a concrete dock footing of an old mine site docking area (ruins) on the south side of Tasu Sound, on the east side of Magneson Point, NW of Hunger Harbour, a bronze tablet inscribed "Hydrographic Service, Canada , approximately 5m west of M09C9018. A bronze tablet marked “Hydrographic Service Canada BM M14C9099" |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
2014-05-14 | 4.215 | ACTIVE | CD |
N/A | 1.709 | ACTIVE | CGVD2013 |
2014-05-14 | 1.395 | ACTIVE | CGVD28_HTv2_0 |
2014-05-14 | -8.197 | ACTIVE | NAD83_CSRS |