Benchmark - 883010

Benchmark Number 883010
Established In 1988
Condition GOOD
Latitude 45.98107
Longitude -81.49995
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A G.S.C. bronze tablet stamped 883010, set vertically in rock outcrop on S side of Hwy 637, 1.6 km E of junction of Hwy 637 and Waterfront Street in Killarney, 0.8 km W of Perry Ave, 0.3 km E of road to radio tower, 11.4 m S of center line of Hwy 637 and 11.9 m NE of BM 778549. Coordinates updated in 2019 using handheld GPS +/-4m, note: located under a stand of pine trees.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2019-05-24 12.889 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985