Benchmark - 85B9100

Benchmark Number 85B9100
Established In 1985
Condition GOOD
Latitude N/A
Longitude N/A
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description Set vertically in large cement block (pumping station) located E of Sand Pt Marine Terminal wharf, NB. BM is 0.32 m SE of the NW corner of the block, 0.24 m E of the W side of the block and 0.21 m S of the N side of the block. BM is 11.8 m E of the SE corner of the Bayside Stevedoring officve-trailor and is 18.5m E of the edge of the paved road to the wharf. BM 85B9100 is 57.5m east of BM 85B9101.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1985-01-01 13.527 ACTIVE CD