Benchmark - 94F9155

Benchmark Number 94F9155
Established In 1994
Condition NOT_FOUND
Latitude 52.55
Longitude -55.77
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A CHS bronze tablet stamped 94F9155 set vertically into a small horizontal ledge of a red coloured vertical rock outcrop protruding from the side of a small but steep grassy bank. This bank starts at the dirt road leading to the wharf and runs ESE. The plug is located at the intersection of this bank and rock boulders which are about 90 degrees to the bank. Specifically it is 9.3m NNW of the outer edge of rock boulders and 21.3m north from the SE corner of rock boulders.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1994-01-01 3.37 ACTIVE CD