Benchmark - 85L9206
Benchmark Number | 85L9206 |
Established In | 1985 |
Condition | GOOD |
Latitude | 47.3907222 |
Longitude | -61.783333 |
Reference Benchmark | Yes |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | VERTICAL |
Description | CHS convex tablet stamped 85L9206, set horizontally in the foundation wall of the building (No. 40) southwest of the wharf road, 2.4 km east and 2.4 km southeast of the Route 199 bridge over the Havre-aux-Maisons channel, 0.2 km southeast of the Pointe-Basse Road junction. The marker is located 7.0 m from the centre of the wharf road, 0.35 m from the east corner of the foundation and 0.39 m below the top of the foundation. |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
2021-09-26 | 3.869 | ACTIVE | CD |