Benchmark - M13L9001

Benchmark Number M13L9001
Established In 2013
Condition GOOD
Latitude 48.430039
Longitude -71.05525
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description The marker is located in the parking lot of the naval reserve in Saguenay (Chicoutimi) at 405 Du Saguenay Blvd. It is set vertically in the cement base of a lamppost. Inscription on the marker: Canadian Hydrographic Service M13L9001 (P1: Southeast corner of the main building: B 228° H 41.30m) (P2: Centre of the mast base: B 142° H 12.00m) (P3: Southwest corner of the warehouse: B 358° H 36.30m).
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2021-07-08 8.045 HISTORICAL CD