Benchmark - 1957 TS est
Benchmark Number | 1957 TS est |
Established In | 1957 |
Condition | UNKNOWN |
Latitude | N/A |
Longitude | N/A |
Reference Benchmark | No |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Type | UNKNOWN |
Setting | NA |
Description | The top of a 9 m length of a 15 cm diameter steel pipe driven to bedrock at northern end of D.O.T. causeway; top painted red with white letters BM; it is approximately 0.3 m north of a second steel pipe projecting vertically out of the sandy shore.
Note: Two other BMs at this station (T1 1957 & T2 1957) reported destroyed September 1959. |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
N/A | 3.72 | ACTIVE | CD |