Benchmark - GEOD

Benchmark Number GEOD
Established In 2001
Condition GOOD
Latitude 70.7363
Longitude -117.7613
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A Geodetic Survey of Canada brass tablet, cemented vertically into a bedrock outcrop on the east side of the Hamlet of Ulukhaktok. The outcrop is located approximately 20 metres east of the Hamlet of Ulukhaktok storage garage and approximately 140 metres northwest of the wharf. The tablet is 1 metre from the Regional Active Control System GNSS antenna which is mounted on top of a 1.3 metre high stainless steel pipe bolted into the bedrock. Positioned with handheld GPS +/-3m.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2019-07-09 15.627 ACTIVE CD