Benchmark - 3-1980

Benchmark Number 3-1980
Established In 1980
Condition GOOD
Latitude 44.99371
Longitude -81.38651
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A C.H.S. bronze tablet stamped 3-1980, set vertically in a large boulder 3.4m east of the SE corner of a cottage. It is on the west side of a small road leading off the main road to the government wharf. It is 1.8m south of a large tree. Recovered and updated coordinates in March 2018

Coordinates updated May 2018 and taken with handheld GPS +/- 3m. Previous location 44.993667, -81.386467.

Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2018-05-12 2.01 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985