Benchmark - 3031
Benchmark Number | 3031 |
Established In | 1959 |
Condition | DESTROYED |
Latitude | 42.026111 |
Longitude | -82.735 |
Reference Benchmark | No |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | HORIZONTAL |
Description | A G.S.C. bronze tablet stamped 3031 set horizontally in the workshop on the shore of Lake Erie, about 122 m south of Grovedale House on south side of Park Street; tablet in northeast concrete foundation wall, 37 cm from most northerly corner and 15 cm below woodwork. Horizontal Position updated to NAD83CSRS in January 2010. ""DESTROYED"" |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
N/A | 175.389 | ACTIVE | IGLD1985 |
N/A | 1.877 | ACTIVE | CDIGLD1985 |