Benchmark - 67-U-020

Benchmark Number 67-U-020
Established In 1967
Condition GOOD
Latitude 43.865244
Longitude -78.823108
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description G.S.C tablet cemented in wharf immediately east of southern end of Simcoe Street, 5.12km south of Post Office; on west side of Harbour Entrance, 12.3m southeast of decorative sitting area, 6.7m south of north end, 61cm west of east edge, 30cm south and 30cm east of a 0.6m high guard wall. Horizontal Position updated to NAD83CSRS in January 2010.

Coordinates updated June 2021 based on 2018 final PPP solution.

Previous Latitude: 43.865 Previous Longitude: 78.825

Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1992-01-01 2 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985
1992-01-01 76.215 ACTIVE IGLD85