Benchmark - 98K0039

Benchmark Number 98K0039
Established In 2002
Condition GOOD
Latitude 45.883212
Longitude -73.273415
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description SGQ convex tablet stamped 98K0039 and set vertically on the southwest wall of the municipal wharf, about 7.0 m northwest of the boat launch. Can be accessed from St-Antoine Street South, which is about 100.0 m east of the church. The marker is located 7.07 m from a beacon on a pole, 0.63 m from the southeast corner of the concrete wall, 0.20 m from the northeast edge of the wall and 10.31 m from the southwest corner of the wharf.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2002-10-03 3.882 ACTIVE CD